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“Feminist Critical Medical Anthropology Methodologies: Implications for Understanding Gender and Healthcare in India”

By Cecilia Van Hollen

2016 In Economic and Political Weekly 51(18) 72-79

2017 In Re-Presenting Feminist Methodologies: Interdisciplinary Explorations. Kalpana Kannabiran and Padmini Swaminathan, eds. Pp. 330-347. NY: Routledge

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About the Article

This article explores my methodologies as a feminist critical medical anthropologist. I begin by unpacking core methodological approaches of this disciplinary position, introducing methodologies at each level—sociocultural anthropology, medical anthropology, critical medical anthropology, and finally feminist critical medical anthropology. I then discuss how I have operationalized these methodologies in my own research projects and consider how findings from such research can contribute to our understanding of gender and can be useful for improving healthcare for women.


Re-Presenting Feminist Methodologies: Interdisciplinary Explorations

Economic and Political Weekly


Journal of Global Oncology


Extending Theory, Rupturing Boundaries